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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2013
County Taita-Taveta

This 2015/16 Taita Taveta County Development Plan is prepared in accordance to thePublic Financial Management Act 2012 which came into effect after the enactment ofthe constitution of Kenya 2010.It has been prepared in the backdrop of the Kenya Vision 2030, the Second MediumTerm Plan 2013-2017 and in line with the Taita Taveta County IntegratedDevelopment Plan (CIDP 2013-2017)This Plan articulates short term strategies, programs and projects to be implementedunder the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) during the 2015/16financial year. The major focus for 2015/16 Financial year as contained in this planshall be:a) Investing in infrastructureb) Investing in value addition in agriculture and miningc) Ensuring food securityd) Promotion of tourism,e) Promotion of livestock and fisheriesf) Improving access to ECDE, and Polytechnicsg) Increasing access to water and improvement of sanitationh) Empowerment of Youth, women, and vulnerable members of the communityi) Improvement of health carej) Land planning and managementk) Decentralization of servicesl) Improving trade and industrym) Environmental managementThe Plan is divided into two chapters as follows:Chapter One: Provides a brief background description of the County in terms ofits area, administrative divisions, main physical features,settlement patterns as well as a summary of data essential formaking informed choices while planning for developmentChapter Two: It indicates priorities, strategies, programs and projectsproposed FY 2015/16.This Plan estimates that the County Government will require KES 3.4 Billion to drive itsDevelopment agenda for FY 2015/16. These funds are expected to come from differentsources including equitable share from National Government, conditional grants, Localrevenue and Private-Public PartnershipTo realize the envisaged benefits from the Plan, critical leadership from the politicalfront will be a key ingredient to inculcate ownership and responsibility toward theactual implementation of planned programs and projects as well as the generalcollective will for participation by the citizenry

Tags taita, taveta, county, annual, development, plan, 2015, 2016, taita-taveta-county-annual-development-plan-2015-2016, Public Finance


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