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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2016
County Taita-Taveta

The County Government of Taita Taveta recognizes key challengesposed by HIV and AIDS. The impact of HIV epidemic continues tobe felt across the entire socio-economic spectrum in the County.Even though the population is currently approximated to be 323,867(KNBS, 2015), the HIV prevalence in Taita Taveta is 6.1 % higher thanthe national prevalence of 5.6 %( National HIV estimates 2014). TheCounty epidemic is also highly feminized with two out of each threepersons living with HIV being women. Youth, adolescents and youngperson continues to bear a disproportional effects of HIV. We are notoblivious of the fact that Taita Taveta County is the heart of nationalmain infrastructure. Main roads and highways such as the Mombasa Nairobi highway (Northern Corridor) and Voi-Arusha road passesthrough the County. The ongoing national the Standard GaugeRailway (SGR) infrastructure, the northern power electricity grids also criss-cross our County. Sodoes the Tsavo East and West National. We are proud of all this, but also note that such featuresand infrastructure result in the movement of people in and out of our County. It is this movementthat increases HIV vulnerability and risks.It is against this background that Taita Taveta County adopted a coordinated multi-sectorialapproach in managing HIV epidemic. Development of Taita Taveta County HIV and AIDS StrategicPlan (TTASP 2016-2020) epitomizes the determination of the County Government of Taita Tavetain addressing the negative effects of HIV and AIDS. Through this Plan, the Government of TaitaTaveta will continue scaling up on the combination prevention strategies in order to address newinfections among targeted populations, ensure quality of care and treatment to those living withHIV and put measures to mitigate negative social economic impacts resulting from the epidemic. Further, through the provisions of TTASP 2016/2020, my government will call upon all theGovernment agencies (both National and County) responsible for development of all infrastructuresto take a keener responsibility in management of HIV and AIDS in the County. The CountyGovernment will continue promoting responsive leadership, ensure mainstreaming of HIV andAIDS across all sectors through multi sectorial approach, involvement of Persons living withHIV and AIDS, civil Society and other Key Stakeholders. My Government is committed to theimplementation and the achievement of the results articulated in this Plan. Through the HealthDepartment, all County and Sub- County sectors and units will be held responsible for this Plansimplementation. In doing so, we will build on the progress made so far through decades of hardwork, unity of purpose, courage and commitment to step up the momentum towards ending theAIDS in our County and the Country.

Tags taita, taveta, county, hiv, aids, strategic, plan, 2016, 2020, taita-taveta-county-hiv-aids-strategic-plan-2016-2020, County Health Services


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