Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2015
County Taita-Taveta

The ICT strategy Roadmap (2015-2020) for Taita Taveta County provides the much neededdirection in consolidating effort in making ICT an enabler to service delivery. The CountyGovernment recognizes the role ICT can play in realizing efficiency in service delivery. TaitaTaveta County is among the Counties that receive the least allocations from the Commissionon Revenue Allocation. This leads to intense competition for the scarce resources. Thestrategic choice of using ICT aims at providing quality and cost effective service delivery tothe citizens. This roadmap intends to deliver on four objectives that are:1. To develop a coordinated and coherent approach for ICT road map development andguidelines which will enable each County to provide high-quality and cost-effective ICT enable services that meet the needs of County residents;2. Foster innovation, best practice, and value for money in the use of ICT in managementof County resources, learning and Citizen outreach;3. To define the conditions under which it will be possible to provide a shared andoptimized ICT infrastructure with appropriate user support and standards for the NationalGovernment and the Taita Taveta County Government;4. To among other things identify: Short term quick wins; Priorities for investment; Plansfor development; Employment and support of ICT services and infrastructure whichsupport the Countys Citizen outreach, learning, and administrative activities; A changemanagement plan; Detailed strategies for refinement and evaluation of performance,culture, communications, data reporting and any other strategic management identifiedissues necessary for successful implementation of the roadmap in relation to ICT servicesfor the Taita Taveta County Government.The development of the roadmap involved consultative meetings with the Countyleadership in the two arms and the Public Service Board. The Consultancy team collecteddata across the functions and departments of the County Government and validated theinformation before generating a status report. Further consultations with the stakeholdersinformed finalization of the first draft under the stewardship of the planning and technicalcommittees. The ICT Authority has also validated each stage of the development process.This roadmap is benchmarked on the global, regional and national ICT trends, demands,expectations, standards and best practices. It analyses the status of ICT in the county andanalyses the gaps using the maturity level analysis. Finally, the four thematic roadmaps andthree cross cutting themes are discussed.Currently, Taita Taveta County has a weak infrastructure that cannot support full deploymentof ICT in service delivery. The development of the infrastructure is still low and largelydependent on the private developers especially the telecommunication companies. TaitaTaveta County is one of the few Counties in the Country with a data center as part ofbusiness continuity plan. However, deployment of ICT in public service delivery is partial, sub-Taita Taveta County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-20207optimal and uncoordinated. Currently, the County Government is implementing modulesof IFMIS and a parallel system (LAIFOMS) with the two being not interoperable. Taita TavetaCounty has developed an e-revenue collection system. The health function is also heavyon implementing systems in healthcare management. However, the existing human capitaland county residents have not fully embraced ICT. In addition, the Countys legal frameworkand policy environment is still underdeveloped to support full deployment of ICT. It is evidentthat the County Government arms and functions pursue the ICT needs independently andthis results in wastage and often increased costs. The financing of ICT is low and stands at1.4% against a recommended Gartner level of 5% for institutions and organizations with lowICT maturity levels.The gaps that exist lead to sub-optimality in deploying ICT. The gaps include a weakinfrastructure especially on networks, internet, and shortage of ICT equipment and lack ofa well-developed business continuity plan. Furthermore, automation of processes, internalcoordination and communication are evident challenges in public service delivery systems.The existing human capital can hardly support full ICT deployment while the legal frameworkand policy environment are lacking on optimizing ICT. It is evident that optimization shallnot be realized in the absence of a shared services plan, change management plan andcitizen participation and involvement.This roadmap seeks to achieve optimal ICT deployment by focusing on four thematic areasthat include: Infrastructure and Connectivity; Public Service Delivery Systems, Human Capitaland Workforce Development and The Policy Environment and The Legal Framework. Theroadmap shall also seek to optimize ICT by implementing a shared service plan, a changemanagement plan, citizen participation and involvement mechanisms. This roadmap shallbe supported by a functional governance, management and organization structure.This roadmap involves implementing a number projects across the four thematic areas. Theprojects shall be undertaken over the 5 years in the period of 2015-2020. This implementationrequires a mix of strategies for it to deliver on its objectives. These strategies are assessedusing the critical success factors. In addition a monitoring and evaluation mechanismprovides for an implementation feedback and improvement mechanism. Furthermore,the roadmap is alive to possible risks in the life of implementation and therefore suggeststhe mitigation strategies. The roadmap has an inbuilt communication strategy targetingdifferent stakeholders.The County Government shall require an investment of up to. 1,668,800,000 KES over theperiod of implementation. The investments shall go into meeting the project costs associatedwith this roadmap. The roadmap requires a financing mix that includes internal Countyequity as well as external support from the national Government and other multilateral andbilateral partners. The sustainability of this roadmap depends on a strong public privatepartnerships as well as a robust and actualized shared services plan.

Tags taita, taveta, county, ict, roadmap, 2015, 2020, taita-taveta-county-ict-roadmap-2015-2020, County Planning & Development


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