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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2020
County Bungoma

Bungoma County is experiencing a wide range of social, economic, political andtechnological changes that influence the nature of the living environment. The emergingenvironmental change defines the human activities, which further contribute toenvironmental degradation. Consequently, many agricultural activities aimed at sustainingdecent livelihoods are becoming non-viable. Hence the need to address correction ofenvironmental damages that have led to unsustainable agricultural land use, poor soil andwater management practices, deforestation, pollution and waste management challenges.The Environment policy is guided with by specific objectives such as Providing financialresources for sustainable management of the County environment and natural resourcesfor economic growth and improved livelihood; Providing a framework for an integratedapproach to planning and sustainable management of environment and natural resources;Promoting research, capacity development and use of innovative environmentalmanagement tools; Promoting and enhancing partnership and public participation in theprotection and conservation of the County environment and natural resources andPromoting domestication, coordination and maximization of benefit fromMultilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs).The policy identifies opportunities and strategic policy interventions in priority sectors inthe County such as; forestry, agriculture, health and sanitation, trade and industrialization,tourism, water, livestock, fisheries and gender in the management of environment relatedissues.Key stakeholders and requisite institutions such as the national and county actors,regional actors, and non- state actors including formal and informal actors guide the policyimplementation process.The Department responsible for matters environment shall undertake policyoperationalization through requisite relevant legislations.The policy is flexible and open to adjustments. There shall therefore be a window to reviewand revise/update this policy once in every five years or when the need arises to ensureits relevance.

Tags bungoma, county, environment, policy, 2020, bungoma-county-environment-policy-2020, Environmental Management


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