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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2018
County Garissa

...This Annual Progress Report was prepared by the County Planning Unit in collaboration with other county entities. The purpose of the report is to assess the progress made on the implementation of the 2018/19Annual DevelopmentPlan and Budget so as to painta complete picture of the countys development progressand overall status of implementation of the CIDP. The report is also expected in turn to inform and help the county to respond to any perceived challenges in order to accelerate overall development in the county.It espouses the importance of programme and results-based management, transparency, accountability, and efficiency as fundamental principles for managing all public programmes/projects in the county.Garissa County had an approved budget ofKshs. 10,152,375,255.00billion for the Financial Year 2018/2019. Out of this budget, recurrent expenditure accounted for 57% (Kshs. 5,760,165,897.00.) and development spending 43% (Kshs. 4,382,569,358). Major expenditure on development was on construction and rehabilitation of roads and other infrastructure development within Garissa County including; improvement of over 1131Km of roads through bush clearing, grading and gravelling, construction and renovation of 3630 m2of offices space, construction of 5No retail markets and 2No livestock markets, and construction of 3 classrooms and supplies to 220 ECDE centres in the education sector. There was improved health service delivery through improved supplies by 80%, increased immunization from 55% in 2017 to 80%, procurement of ambulances and reduction in underweight and stunted children from 17 to 15% and 11 to 9% respectively. Key achievements on agriculture and livestock production include;procurement of14 irrigation pumps, procurement and supplies of drugs and vaccines worth 7m for disease control, procurement of veterinary equipments and supplies worth 5m for disease surveillance, 1,200 000 number of livestock vaccinated, distribution 70No. of bucks and20No. of dairy heifers and construction of Livestock feed store for feed storage. Over 500 farmers benefitted from markets and 2300 farmers received pesticides. In the water and irrigation sector; 12 water pans were constructed and desilted, 20 boreholes were drilled,108 boreholes rehabilitated, 5boreholessolarised, and 400m of pipeline extended. A total of 5 institutions were connected to water supplies and the county established 1 irrigation scheme of about 20ha and trained a number of staff. Environment, Energy, Natural Resources and Wildlife management sector achievements include;supplies of over 600 solar lanterns, establishment of 4 mini grids and roadside tree planting in the greening programme. The county established a climate fund through an Act of county assembly, and developed climate profiling programme aimed at enhancing climate resilience.

Tags county, government, garissa, Garissa County Annual Progress Report 2018-2019, Public Finance


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