Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2013
County Nyandarua

The Constitution of Kenya 2010 established one of the most revolutionary changes in the countrys historywith the establishment of the two tier governance system with a national government and 47 countygovernments. The constitution envisages that county governments shall spearhead development at thecounty level with a view to bridge the developmental disparities that have existed in the country sinceindependence. Needless to point out therefore, County governments have been tasked with specificfunctions under the constitution, key among them agriculture, health, trade, roads, county planning so as tospur growth and create employment.Pursuant to the specific mandate in the Constitution 2010, the County Government is required to prepareCounty Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) that outlines the development goals covering a period of fiveyears. The CIDP is the first for Nyandarua County as it is in the other Counties and will cover the period2013-2017. It replaces the District Development Plans, which were used to guide development with thefocus at the District under the former constitutional dispensation. The Nyandarua CIDP has been preparedthrough an inclusive and a wide consultative process as required by Article 10 of the Constitution.Under the Constitution of Kenya 2010, National and County Governments are distinct but interdependent.The County Government is composed of the Governor, County Executive Committee and CountyAssembly. The County Executive Committee is expected to supervise the administration and delivery ofservices to the County citizenry as well as conceptualize and implement policies and county legislation.The County Assembly is a legislative organ and will play an oversight role on all County public institutionsincluding the urban areas.The County Government responsibilities and functions are specifically spelt out under the Fourth Scheduleof the Constitution. Currently, not all functions in the fourth schedule have been transferred to the countygovernments. The Nyandarua County Government will ensure that it has the capacity to undertake all thefunctions as stipulated in the fourth schedule by the end of the transition period. This will include: prudencefinancial management practises; build strong institutions for management of county affairs; and training andcapacity building of county government staff and the County Assembly. These will be done under the legalframework established to support county governments where several laws on devolution have beenenacted including: The Urban Areas and Cities Act, 2011; The County Governments Act, 2012; TheTransition to Devolved Government Act, 2012; The Intergovernmental Relations Act, 2012 and The PublicFinance Management Act, 2012. Other relevant laws that have been enacted in the different sectors tosupport implementation and operationalization of devolution include: the National Government CoordinatingAct, 2012, and the County Governments Public Finance Management Transition Act, 2013.Programmes that focus on the youthful population, who account for the highest proportion of thepopulation, especially addressing youth unemployment, will be implemented during the Plan period.Attention will be given to provide knowledge and skills with a bias on entrepreneurship with affordable credit NYANDARUA COUNTY INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2013-2017 ivto enable them engage in production of goods and services. Besides, the County Government is expectedand will expand middle level colleges in the county to take advantage of opportunities in the industrialsector as the country moves towards industrialization. In addition, programs and projects that support theagricultural sector, which is the main economic activity in the county, will be aimed at transforming farmingto make it more competitive and increase production per unit. Raising the profitability of farmers will notonly boost the livelihoods of the county residents, but also attract the youth to join the sector helping to alsoaddress unemployment among the youth. The County Government will also start programs aimed atdiversifying economic activities in the county. This includes value addition to agricultural produce andestablishing a tourism route to connect the tourism circuit around Nakuru and Laikipia Counties.The County government will work to attract investors in the county. Specific initiatives to establish andcreate an enabling environment to attract direct investments in the county will be implemented. Keyprojects especially the infrastructural projects will be marketed to investors to be implemented under thePublic Private Partnerships. This will also address the financing gaps for projects in the county.Finally, I call upon all the resident of Nyandarua County to commit towards the development processoutlined in this Plan. This is the beginning of a new phase that will see the transformation of the county,improve the quality of life of the residents and as such all the stakeholders in the county must work togetherto ensure that the Plans objectives are realised.

Tags nyandarua, county, integrated, development, plan, 2013, 2017, nyandarua-county-integrated-development-plan-2013-2017, Public Finance


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