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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2018
County Kwale

Article 35 of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 provides for the access to information by the public. The CountyGovernment Act (CGA) 2012 section 47 stipulates that the County Performance Management framework shallprovide; annual progress reports, citizen participation in the evaluation of the performance of countygovernment; and public sharing of performance progress reports. Further, section 30 (i) of the CountyGovernment Act 2012 provides for county government to submit annual report on implementation status ofcounty policies and plans to the County Assembly. Pursuant to these statutory provisions, the CountyGovernment has prepared this Annual Progress Report for FY 2017/2018.Implementation of the 2017/2018 County Annual Development Plan and budget had a myriad of challenges.These challenges include delays in the procurement processes and release of funds from the National Treasury.Others include capacity challenges in departments and also on the part of contractors and supplies of goods andservices.This report gives an outline of departments performance on programmes given in the Annual DevelopmentPlan of FY 2017/2018. These programmes are linked to the County Integrated Development Plan 2018-2022.The report has also highlighted challenges encountered during the implementation of the annual plans andbudget for FY 2017/2018. The report further provides lessons learnt and recommendations to improve theimplementation of future county plans and budgets.During the period under review, it is worthwhile to note that substantial progress was made in actualizing theplanned activities by departments. Challenges outlined in this report will be addressed to ensure effectivenessin the implementation of county plans for better service delivery. The County Government of Kwale remainscommitted towards transforming the lives of its citizens.

Tags kwale, county, treasury, county, annual, progress, report, c, apr, fy2017, 2018, -kwale-county-treasury-county-annual-progress-report-c-apr-fy2017-2018, Public Finance


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