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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2013
County Kwale

On behalf of the people of Kwale County, I am delighted to introduce to you the first CountyIntegrated Development Plan (2013-2017). This Plan sets out an ambitious but a more realisticand achievable development strategy for Kwale County and provides a framework for realizingrapid economic growth and the generation of employment opportunities for wealth creation andpoverty eradication. The County development focus for the next 5 years is well articulated inChapter 2 and its attendant program delivery framework is clearly elaborated in chapter 7 of thisdocument.Our aim is to achieve a sustainable balance in terms of development across the County so that allpeople of Kwale can realize the quality of life which they aspire to have. The achievement of thisshared aspiration is dependent on our capacity to fully harness the Countys businessopportunities, diverse social-cultural assets and our ability to fully utilize existing naturalresources for the benefits of our people.The Kwale county government commits to work with its people towards unlocking their owndevelopment potential while creating more opportunities for rapid growth of the economy.Partnerships between the national government, private sector and other stakeholders areencouraged so as to build a strong consortium of actors that would steer the full process ofCounty development in the next 5years.As a government we will strive to make Kwale County the most conducive and globallycompetitive investment destination in Kenya. This will be achieved through review of policies,laws and regulations that will ensure; visiting, living and doing business in Kwale to be the mostrewarding and fulfilling experience to every person. Investments in multi-sectoral infrastructurewill be fast tracked as an enabler of development. We will also invest in building a strong humancapital base which meets the labor demands of the market while nurturing a generation of youngpeople who are job creators rather than being job seekers.Our program delivery approach is anchored on inclusive development, citizen participation andrespect for diversity as a people which defines the strength of the Kwale County government. Wewill therefore strengthen our institutions and service delivery systems to ensure we transparentlyand accountably serve the people of Kwale in ways that contributes to their socio-economicwellbeing and prosperity.

Tags kwale, first, county, integrated, development, plan, 2013, -kwale-first-county-integrated-development-plan-2013, Public Finance


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