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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2018
County Makueni

The 2018 Makueni County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP) sets the County Governmentpriority programs to be implemented through the FY 2018/19 budget. The programsand policies herein reflect the concerns of the Makueni Citizenry and are anchoredunder the CIDP 2018-2022 whose preparation is ongoing, & will help in continualimplementing of the Makueni Vision 2025.The broad focus for FY 2018/19 will be economic empowerment for sustainablelivelihoods with a special focus on youth empowerment.To achieve the broad economic transformation, the county has established five keyresult areas of focus in the next five years. The key result areas have been aligned tothe National Government Big four priorities on supporting value addition, foodsecurity and nutrition, Universal Health Coverage and provision of affordablehousing.The key result areas include;i. Irrigation, Food security and agricultural commercializationii. Reliable potable water for domestic useiii. Youth, women and People living with disabilities social & economicempowermentiv. Universal Health Care for allv. Institutional strengthening, citizen engagement & capacity developmentTo implement these key result areas, the Government will develop a robust resourcemobilization strategy that will involve building partnerships with private partners,development partners and the national government.The sector ceilings in this CFSP have been based on the expenditure priorities thatare aligned to the five key result areas. The targeted expenditures will prioritizeemployment creation, youth empowerment, manufacturing / industrializationactivities, enhancement of health coverage, improvement of food security andenhancement of living conditions.The paper has been prepared on the basis of the strategic interventions identified inthe UN SDGs, Vision 2030, Vision 2025, and FY 2018/19 ADP which is aligned to theCIDP 2018-22 whose preparation is ongoing.

Tags makueni, county, fiscal, strategy, paper, 2018, MAKUENI 2018 COUNTY FISCAL STRATEGY PAPER, Public Finance


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