Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2018
County Nyeri

It is with great pleasure that we present to you the third quarter Budget Implementation StatusReport for the financial year 2017/18. This report provides information on various departmentsand units of the County Government of Nyeri for the financial year 2017/18. It highlights theperformance of local revenue collection, National Government transfers to County Revenue Fund(CRF), Exchequer releases/ requisitions from CRF and expenditure by departments and otherunits.This report is prepared in accordance with the requirements of Section 166 Sub-Section 4(a, b) ofthe Public Finance Management Act, 2012. It states that the county treasury shall consolidate all thequarterly reports from County Government entities and submit them to the County Assembly and deliver copies tooffice of the controller of budget, National Treasury and the Commission on Revenue Allocation (CRA).The budgeted target of the local revenue during the current financial year is KShs1B and by theend of third quarter the amount collected was only KShs 495,132,324 representing 49.91%. Thiswas 8% above the achievement of the same period last year. The total transfers from the NationalTreasury stood at KShs 2,852,639,345 representing only 50.2% against an Exchequer release ofKShs3,595,454,350. The Exchequer releases includes not only the National Treasury Transfersbut also the balances carried over from last financial year and also the local revenue collectedduring the period under review. During the same period of 9 months the absorption of thedevelopment budget was 12.95% while in the recurrent 56.63 of the budget had been absorbed.Overall absorption stood at 43.15%.The report provides valuable information, on budget performance, that calls for innovativeapproaches on implementing development programmes to ensure the intended objectives are met.This will enable the County Government achieve its transformative agenda as envisioned in thefive-year County Integrated Development Plan.

Tags nyeri, third, quarter, budget, implementation, status, report, financial, year, 2017, 18, -nyeri-third-quarter-budget-implementation-status-report-financial-year-2017-18, Public Finance


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