Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2018
County Tana River

This Annual Development Plan (ADP) has been prepared in accordance with Section126 sub-section I of the Public Finance Management (PFM) Act, 2012. The Actstipulates that County Governments shall prepare Annual Development Plans (ADP) inaccordance with Article 220 (2) of the constitution.This Annual Development Plan (ADP) 2019/2020 describes the County in terms of thegeographical location, size, physiographic and natural conditions, demographic profilesas well as the administrative units. This ADP outlines the broad strategic priorities,policy thrusts and objectives of the County Government of Tana River. The strategicpriorities and government policy objectives inform the identification of priority projectsand Programs to be implemented during the financial year. This is aimed ataddressing the development challenges faced by the county after making a review ofthe status of the previous years projects.The County Government of Tana River functions to deliver key and essential servicessuch as health care, water supply, agriculture development, road infrastructure, urbanplanning and development among others enshrined in the County Governments Act,2012 Section 5 and the functions are detailed in Part II of the fourth schedule in theConstitution of Kenya, 2010.The Annual Development Plan (ADP) is an annual document that guides in theimplementation of projects and Programs from each county department for the FY2019/2020 as enshrined in the County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP). Thisdocument is largely aligned to the County Integrated Development Plan and theNational Development Framework as envisioned in Vision 2030 and the post 2015development agenda (Sustainable Development Goals).ivThe development of this ADP employed a comprehensive consultative processinvolving all the County Government Departments; members of the public,stakeholders and development partners, where their inputs were gathered andconsolidated in this document.

Tags tana, river, annual, development, plan, fy, 2019, 2020, Tana River ADP, Public Finance


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