Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2019
County Turkana

This Turkana County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP) 2019 is the sixth since the advent of devolution and comesduring a period of the implementation of the second generation County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP)2018-2022.The County Treasury has is mandated to align its County Fiscal Strategy Paper with the national objectives inthe Budget Policy Statement and specify the broad strategic priorities and policy goals that will guide theTurkana County Government in preparing its budget for the Financial Year (FY) 2019/20 and over the MediumTerm Plan (MTP) III as per section 117 of the Public Finance Management (PFM) Act 2012.It is in the same spirit that the Turkana County FY 2019/20 priorities are based on the second generation CIDP2018-2022, the Annual Development Plan (ADP) 2019-2020, the Kenya Vision 2030, the MTP III and theGovernors Manifesto on service delivery which puts emphasis on Food Security, Infrastructure andAccessibility to quality water, Health Care and Education.Herein contained in this paper are the; Economic Environment and Outlook, County Development Prioritiesfor Medium Term, Budget Framework, Fiscal Framework and next steps of the Budget preparation of 2019/20.The Economic performance of the Turkana County is predominantly reliant on the Global, Regional andNational Economic environments and hence the formulation and implementation of practical strategies andpolicies is based on their trends. The County is operating on a generally stable macroeconomic environmentappropriate for attaining the stated policy priorities and better service delivery. However, there are emergingchallenges like pending bills, the wage bill burden, insecurity, harsh climatic conditions leading to drought andfloods, which the County Government is slowly mitigating. Thus, it is prudent to have a strong economicfoundation and fiscal discipline to aid the creation and proper utilization of the limited and scarce resources.

Tags Turkana fiscal paper, Public Finance


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