Turkana County 2018/19 Supplementary 1 Budget Proposals

Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2019
County Turkana

Pursuant to Sec 135 (2) of the Public Finance Management Act 2012, a county shall prepare andsubmit a supplementary budget in support of the additional expenditure for authority to incurexpenditure. The amount appropriated for any purpose might be insufficient or a need forexpenditure has arisen for which no amount had been appropriated.The FY 2018/2019 budget is enshrined in the countys broad and collective theme ofStrengthening of Institutional Structures for Realization of the Five Point Agenda asespoused in the County Fiscal Strategy Paper, 2018. To achieve this collective agenda, the countywill focus its priorities on Food Security, Infrastructure, and accessibility to Quality Water, Health,Education, Partnerships and Peace Building.Program based budgeting has improved expenditure efficiency and effectiveness by linkingfunding to results and making use of performance information to achieve that linkage. It wasdesigned to shift focus from input based budgeting to a result based in line with national and countygovernment priorities. Translating the budget into programs provides stakeholders with a basisof tracking and interrogating budgetary allocations to various government entities.The purpose of this supplementary budget is to incorporate unappropriated funds realized fromundervalued balance carried forward from the FY 2017/18, raise funds for Car loan and Mortgage,pay verified pending bills, and supplement insufficient amounts that were appropriated for specificpurposes to achieve the Five Point Agenda.The revised total county revenue for FY 2018/19 is now projected at Kshs. 14,924,810,127.70from Kshs. 13,535,455,446.57 with Own Source Revenue at Kshs. 250,000,000 and the revisedbalance carried forward is at Kshs. 2,769,429,948.70 from Kshs. 1,546,094,265.57.In conclusion, the supplementary budget proposal does not deviate from the initial approvedprogram and policies for FY 2018/19, it is to re-organize the county budget for ease ofimplementation

Tags Turkana budget proposal, Public Finance


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