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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2015
County Wajir

...This County Budget Review and Outlook Paper (C-BROP) presents the fiscal outcome for 2014/15 and how this affects the financial objectives set out in the PFM Act, 2012. The updated macro-economic and fiscal forecasts there in also provides the basis to revise the 2015/16 budget in the context of Supplementary Estimates, as well as set out the broad fiscal parameters for the 2016/17 budget and the medium term. The county continues to benefit from the stability of the macroeconomic environment in Kenya. The revised estimates that were released in September 2014 demonstrate that the Countrys economic growth has remained resilient since 2010 growing to 5.4percent in 2014 underpinned by macroeconomic stability, strong fiscal performance and expanded activities in all the key sectors of the economy. While the national macroeconomic environment remains favorable, however, the lower than projected outcome of revenue collection so far in fiscal year 2015/16 as well as the potential challenge from the forecasted El-nino rains call for caution in fiscal projections for 2016/17 and the medium-term. In this C-BROP 2015 we are re-emphasizing the Governments fiscal policy strategy, which focuses on containing the recurrent expenditure while consolidating the investments capital expenditures and optimally ensuring efficiency and effectiveness in the use of public resources. A strategy that recognizes the need to strike a balance between essential social services and the emphasis on higher investments in agriculture, infrastructure development and human capital for sustainable growth.

Tags wajir, county, budget, reviewand, outlook, paper, 2015, Wajir CBROP 2015, Wajir Budget review and outlook paper 2015, Wajir Budget outlook paper 2015, Public Finance


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