Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2018
County West Pokot

An annual development plan refers to a summary of specific development proposals, projectsand programs for a given fiscal year. It is a one-year plan that is meant to be extracted fromthe 5-year County Integrated Development Plan. Section 126(1) of the Public FinanceManagement Act, 2012 requires every county government to prepare an annual developmentplan in accordance with Article 220(2) of the Constitution.This Annual Development Plan presents the county government ministerial priorities, proposalsand development programs for financial year 2019/2020. The FY 2019/20 2021/22 MTEFbudget will be anchored on the county governments economic and transformation agenda asenshrined in the County Integrated Development Plan (2018-2022), the third Medium Term Planof Kenya Vision 2030, the Big Four agenda and the Governors Manifesto. The manifesto ispremised on the 3Es pillar framework of Education, Equity and Economy for sustainable,inclusive development and shared prosperity.The Financial Year 2019/20 will see a change of priorities with the 3Es getting more attention.Agriculture and livestock sub- sectors will also remain to be a major priority area for the countyas it is a mainstay of the county economy. Health sector still has a lot of challenges and moreresources will be channeled to restructure the healthcare delivery system and also shift theemphasis to preventive care in order to lower to reduce disease burden and mortality rates.The plan takes into account the strategic priorities for the medium term that reflects the countygovernment's priorities and plans and the ever changing financial and economic environment.The desired outcome of this plan is alleviation of the high poverty levels and to stimulate jobcreation and wealth for the county residents.The unveiling of this annual development plan for FY 2019/20 is a clear demonstration of ourcommitment to the realization of our county vision of being the model county in service delivery.

Tags west, pokot, county, annual, development, plan, 2019, 20, 2019-20 West Pokot Final ADP, Public Finance


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