Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2015
County West Pokot

The world economy is experiencing the impact of rapid globalization, theemerging new information age and the dynamic Information andCommunication Technology (ICT), which is bringing about a new globaleconomic order to be dominated by information and knowledge-basedeconomies.The emerging information age is characterized by Information andCommunication Technologies (ICTs), and it is having an impact on socioeconomic development efforts in a number of countries as well as counties inKenya especially those that are focused on ICT utilization and the developmentof ICTs. In the information age it is not possible for a County to remaincompetitive, even in its traditional areas of comparative advantage, withoutusing and developing ICTs to support its developmental process.Counties out of the capital city in Kenya are confronting new additionalchallenges as a result of the globalization process and the emerging newinformation age. Without an appropriate ICT Road Map, the counties risk worsesocio-economic status that can be promoted by the digital divide.Having recognized and accepted the importance and role of ICTs in West-Pokotssocio-economic development, and committed to minimize the digital divide, theCounty Government of West-Pokot has developed this ICT Road Map to guide herutilization and development of ICTs for socioeconomic development. To supportimplementation of this policy, there shall be a County Governance PlanningCommittee.As part of this ICT Road Map commitment, special policy initiatives will bedevoted to promoting foreign direct investment in the area of ICTs including,financial and capital investments in the local communication sector; jointventure arrangements in developing the local ICT sector; technology transfercapital investment initiatives and investments with research and developmentcomponent as well as human resource development components in the area ofICT skills and other information economy related skills to aid the socio-economicdevelopment process of West-Pokot County.

Tags county, government, west, pokot, county, treasury, 2015 West Pokot ICT Road Map, County Planning & Development


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