A Background Brief On Kenyas Devolution

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Publisher World Bank
Year of Publication
Category Consitution of Kenya Papers and Articles Policies and Guidelines
County Nairobi
Description Kenyas first county assemblies, governors and senators were elected on March 4 2013.  In the eight months that have followed, most county governments have appointed executive committees, passed their first budgets and adopted their first plans, and have begun recruiting their own staff.  The first full year revenue sharing process was completed and the second post-devolution budget cycle is just beginning. The early months of Kenyas devolution were characterized by intense bargaining between organs of the county and the national governments.  The most significant outcome of this process was acceleration of the transfer of functional responsibilities to counties, and growing calls for counties to be given more resources. The significance of the administrative changes brought about by devolution should not be underestimated.  There are very large institutional capacity challenges, which counties are requesting help to address, mainly in the areas of planning, budgeting, Human Resources (HR), revenue enhancement, and citizen outreach. Led by the Ministry of Devolution and Planning (MODP), an integrated capacity development framework is being developed.  Implementing it will be a major and expensive undertaking, but it is hoped that the framework will avoid fragmentation of development partner support to counties
Tags Counties


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