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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2019
County Makueni

This Annual Development Plan for the Financial Year 2019/20 implements the second CountyIntegrated Development Plan 2018-2022 pursuant to section 126 of the Public FinanceManagement Act (2012). It outlines the broad development programmes and objectives, withclear outputs and indicators to be achieved by the county in FY 2019/2020.The Annual Development Plan has been prepared through consultative engagement with countysectors through sector working groups whose inputs were aggregated to five key thematic areasto provide an all-county approach to development. The Plan therefore adopts a thematic areasapproach in furtherance of the identified key result areas in the CIDP 2018/2022. This isintended to facilitate resource allocation based on thematic areas that link sectoral priorities tothe overall county development goals.This Plan aligns to the Makueni Vision 2025, which is the long-term county strategic plan,Kenya Vision 2030, Africa Unions Agenda 2063 and the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs). The Plan also takes into consideration the intersectoral linkages that actualize awholesome approach to programmes by implementing sectors and agencies. The county willraise revenues through enhancing own source revenue collections, aligning county programs tobenefit from national conditional allocations, loans and grants, and leveraging on public privatepartnerships and community engagement.The development programs and projects pursued by this Annual Development Plan are gearedtowards achieving Community economic empowerment for increased household income. Thiswill be anchored on agricultural production and commercialization, access to water,disadvantaged groups economic empowerment and secure land tenure and urbanization.

Tags annual, development, plan, adp, 2019, 20, ANNUAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN (ADP) 2019/20, Public Finance


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