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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2020
County Bungoma

Background InformationCounty Government of Bungoma (referred to hereafter as CGB) encourages the use ofelectronic communication to share information and knowledge in support of the CGBsmission and vision. To this end, the CGB supports and provides interactive electroniccommunication services and facilities such as telephones, voicemail, teleconferencing, videoconferencing; electronic mail, bulletin boards, social networking; electronic publishingservices such as the Internet. These communication services rely on underlying voice, video,and data networks delivered over both physical and wireless infrastructures. Digitaltechnologies are unifying these communication functions and services.In 2015, the CGB adopted a five-year ICT Roadmap (2015-2020) that outlined its overallvision, mission as well as other ways to improve delivery of ICT services. One of the areasthat the CGB is giving considerable attention is the formulation and implementation of anICT policy and strategy. The CGB is aware that most institutions in both the public and privatesectors are re defining their policies and strategies to embrace ICT. The immediate challengefor CGB is to establish short, medium and long-term ICT plan and adoption of an enablingpolicy. There is also need to harmonize and integrate existing systems, present and futureinitiatives. In this regard efforts to establish appropriate ICT standards, data security systemsand procedures as well as related quality assurance mechanisms are a priority.The Policy recognizes this convergence and establishes an overall policy framework forelectronic communication. This Policy clarifies the applicability of law and of other CGBpolicies to electronic communication. It also establishes new policy and procedures whereexisting policies do not specifically address issues particular to the use of electroniccommunication. Where there are no such particular issues, this Policy refers to other CGBpolicies. An integrated policy cannot anticipate all the new issues that might arise inelectronic communication. The purpose of this Policy is to provide a framework withinwhich these new issues can be resolved and that recognizes the intertwining legal,institutional, and individual interests involved.

Tags bungoma, bungoma, county, information, communications, and, technology, ict, policy, 2020, bungoma-bungoma-county-information-communications-and-technology-ict-policy-2020, County Transport


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