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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2018
County Bungoma

Bungoma County appreciates the global dynamism hence continually realigning of itsstrategies to the needs of its customers and employees. Through the realignments,the county has developed a number of policies aimed at enabling the countyleadership and management offer efficient and quality services to its esteemedcustomers. One of such critical and incidental policy is the Bungoma CountyTransport Policy.Whereas the Bungoma County government has invested heavily in vehicles and theirmaintenance, the management has been fairly repugnant. This has translated intorelative unnecessary high costs and losses.This transport policy aims at creating a framework that will regulate and managetransport in the county. In addition, the policy aims at aligning supply and demandof the county transport services through effective management of county vehiclesand county leased vehicles.The policy will equally increase the understanding of county staff and the public ofthe overall county fleet programs; create accountability of the county fleet. Inaddition, the policy will increase the efficacy of fleet operation, maintenance andrepair to requisite safety standards.The policy endears to set clear procedures for operation of the county fleet in thebest standards while taking into consideration best practices and legal provisions.I am Glad that the county now has a policy whose implementation will address thechallenges inter alia experienced in this sector as it addresses the ever increasingdemand for quality services from the County by Countyesteemed clientele

Tags bungoma, county, transport, policy, bungoma-county-transport-policy, Environmental Management


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