BUNGOMA Draft Communications Policy 2020

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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2020
County Bungoma

Background InformationWith the constitutional guarantee of freedom of expression and the right of access to information,the County Government shall seek to communicate effectively with the internal and externalstakeholders, ensuring alignment with its vision, strategies, and objectives. The Countygovernment of Bungoma endeavors to provide its stakeholders with timely, accurate, clear,objective and complete information about its policies, programs, services, and initiatives.Consequently, to realize the Countys communication goal, this policy outlines core principlesof good communication practice as a guide to its stakeholders. However, it is appropriate toadapt these principles to suit a working environment.This policy document is designed to support the countys mandate as spelt out in the Constitutionof the Republic of Kenya 2010, the County Government Act 2012, the countys IntegratedDevelopment Plan 2013-2017 and 2018-2022 and the Countys policies and Acts. It is thereforeexpected that this policy shall act as a guideline for the development and improvement ofgovernment communication at county level.

Tags bungoma, draft, communications, policy, 2020, bungoma-draft-communications-policy-2020, Environmental Management


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