BUNGOMA Guidelines To The Staff Performance Appraisal System (SPAS) In The Public Service

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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2018
County Bungoma

The Staff Performance Appraisal System (SPAS) is a critical component of the overallhuman resource management function in the public service. It is predicated upon theprinciple of work planning, setting of agreed performance targets, feedback andreporting. It is linked to other human resource management systems and processesincluding recruitment, placement, training and development, career progression,rewards and sanctions. The Performance Appraisal process provides a mechanism foremployees to contribute to the achievement of organizational objectives. It facilitatescommunication between the employee and the immediate supervisor by providing astructure for feedback on performance.The successful implementation of the process will lead to development of employeepotential and improve communication relating to performance; improved productivityand reinforce the values and principles of public service; and inculcate a culture of highperformance in the service.

Tags bungoma, guidelines, to, staff, performance, appraisal, system, spas, in, public, service, bungoma-guidelines-to-the-staff-performance-appraisal-system-spas-in-the-public-service, Environmental Management


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