BUNGOMA Performance Rewards And Sanctions Framework For The Public Service

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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2018
County Bungoma

The County government of Bungoma has been firmly committed to providing efficientand effective service delivery to the citizenry. To actualize this commitment, strongemphasis has been placed on productivity and performance improvement.A key element in performance management is rewarding of exemplary performance andsanctioning of poor performance within a framework that also supports the objective toattract, nurture and retain qualified and highly productive staff. It is against thisbackground that a Performance Rewards and Sanctions Framework in the public servicehas been developed with the objective of rewarding exemplary performance whilesanctioning poor performance. Hitherto, rewards and sanctions framework have existedacross the Public Service and implemented by different agencies without a unified andcoordinated framework. A Performance Management System puts into sharp focus theperformance of an individual employee and the subsequent contribution to institutionalperformance in achieving intended results.This Performance Rewards and Sanctions Framework for the Public Service creates acentralized framework with clear criteria for rewarding exemplary performance andsanctioning poor performance. In so doing, institutional arrangements have been put inplace to administer rewards and sanctions in the public service.The Framework further details the circumstances under which recognition initiativesmay be applied for employees who perform exceptionally well and therefore warrantSpecial recognition. It is envisaged that successful implementation of the Frameworkwill serve to encourage excellence, recognize meritocracy, and address the issue ofpoor performance.Beyond any doubt, the human resource remains a core factor in performanceimprovement and delivery of services needed to achieve national development goals. Iwish, therefore, to recognize public servants who continue to strive for excellence in thenoble duty of providing public services.

Tags bungoma, performance, rewards, and, sanctions, framework, for, public, service, bungoma-performance-rewards-and-sanctions-framework-for-the-public-service, Environmental Management


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