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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2020
County Bungoma

Devolution and public participation are perhaps two of the most paradigmatic innovations of theConstitution of Kenya 2010. In Article 174(c), the Constitution states that one of the objects of devolutionare: to enhance the participation of people in the exercise of the powers of the State and in makingdecisions affecting them. Further, Article 184 (1) (c) requires that mechanisms for participation byresidents be included in the national legislation relating to urban areas and cities governance andmanagement. Thus, devolution gives powers of self-governance to the people and enhances theirparticipation in decisions that affect them, as well recognize the rights of communities to manage theirown affairs and further their development. This provision was meant to address marginalization, unequaldistribution of the national resources and cascade the decision-making role to the general citizenry. Theconstitution provided for the radical overhaul of the governance architecture in Kenya by introducing newadministrative structures, entrenching basic rights and freedoms, promoting the culture ofconstitutionalism and putting the citizens at the centre of governance and decision-making processes.Specifically, Article 10 (2) indicates that public participation is among the national values and principlesof governance. It is in the light of the above constitutional provisions that the County Government ofBungoma is so proud to put into place the Public Participation Policy in order to serve our people andinclude them in their governance and provision of services. The development of this policy will go a longway in ensuring that public participation in Bungoma County becomes the linchpin that the Constitutionof Kenya 2010 intended. As a county government, we will put into place mechanisms and funding tomainstream public participation in every ministry and department. We also commit to ensuring effectivecoordination between the executive, the County Assembly, Non-State Actors, and development partnersas we seek involve our citizens in the affairs of their County Government.

Tags bungoma, public, particpation, civic, education, policy, bungoma-public-particpation-civic-education-policy, Environmental Management


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