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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2020
County Bungoma

The introduction of the Competency Framework for the County Public Service isgeared towards entrenchment of behavioural attributes required of all publicservants. The Constitution requires that all public servants demonstrate nationalvalues and principles as enshrined in Articles 10, 232 and Chapter 6. These articlesespouse good governance, national values, values and principles of public serviceand leadership and integrity.The objective of the Competency Framework is to provide a comprehensive way oflinking individual performance to the goals of the service. The framework intends tointegrate the knowledge, skills, judgment, and attributes that public servants need toperform a job effectively. The competencies in the framework correlate with jobperformance and can be measured against standards as well as be improved throughinduction, training, internship, coaching, mentoring and modelling, experience,career counselling and guidance. The framework, therefore, consists of a set ofspecific competencies, bound together in an integrated way where value is placed atthe core of service delivery. Thus, employees are expected to be responsible,accountable, adaptive, innovative, creative, self-directed and self-motivated in theway they demonstrate competency in service delivery.The Competency Framework is made up of core, leadership, managerial andtechnical competencies that are appropriate to all roles and responsibilities across thePublic Service. The framework, therefore, aims at guiding the Service in identifying,managing, developing and harnessing competencies required for the execution ofmandates of Ministries/departments, state corporations and other public serviceentities.The CF provides detailed descriptions of the competencies required for job entry,career progression and retention in the Public Service. The competency requirementsare dynamic and dictated by the kind of adaptive qualities and behaviour requiredto cope with a changing work environment and technology.This undertaking is therefore meant to ensure that: public officers demonstratesufficient expertise during recruitment and selection of new staff; evaluatingperformance is focused and more effective; identifying skill and competency gaps ismore efficient; provision of training and professional development is morecustomised; and finally, planning for succession is managed effectively.

Tags bungoma, skills, and, competency, framework, bungoma-skills-and-competency-framework, Environmental Management


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