Business Development Services For Community Managed Small Water EnterprisesYear: 2007

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Publisher Water and Sanitation Program (WSP)
Year of Publication 2007
County All/General

...The rural water supply sector in Kenya has long been characterized by high contributions from community members in finance, labor and materials, and participation in development and management. Perhaps unique among East African nations, rural communities in Kenya are used to taking responsibility for at least some effort required to secure supply of safe water.The Ministry of Water and Irrigation is currently leading a reform that will transform the sector into one that recognizes the potential of these community service providers. Under the reforms, oversight is now vested with seven regional water services boards and regulation with the Water Services Regulatory Board. The boards are licensed to ensure water supplies in their areas and to identify suitable independent water service providers who can enter into service provision agreements with them. Many of these providers are existing community rural water supply projects that have proved their ability, over many years, to operate and maintain rural water supplies.

Tags business, development, services, for, community, managed, small, water, enterprisesyear, 2007, Business Development Services for Community-managed Small Water EnterprisesYear: 2007, Water & Sanitation


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