Citizens' Report Card On Urban Water, Sanitation And Solid Waste Services In Kenya 2007Year: 2007

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Publisher Water and Sanitation Program (WSP)
Year of Publication 2007
County All/General

...The Ministry of Water and Irrigations stated priority for reform in the water sector is the strengthening of the quality of service delivery. Typically, such reform programmes target service delivery primarily through capacity building of the supply side of service provisioning, such as institutional strengthening, strategic planning, training and increased budgetary allocations. This bias is premised on pressure to institute reforms and disburse funds, and the expertdriven generation of the data that is informing the implementation of the reforms.Lessons learnt in the sector during the 70s and 80 demonstrate clearly that it is not sufficient to concentrate on supply driven mechanisms in the efforts of improving service delivery. There is a need also to capacitate the demand side through ensuring that the users of water and sanitation services are not only informed of the stated direction of policy, but are enabled to exercise their voice through participating, contributing and even holding the government and service providers to account as regards the impact policy has had on citizens livelihoods.

Tags citizens, report, card, on, urban, water, sanitation, and, solid, waste, services, in, kenya, 2007year, 2007, Citizens' Report Card on urban water, sanitation and solid waste services in Kenya - 2007Year: 2007, Water & Sanitation


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