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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2019
County Mandera

The County Annual Progress Report (CAPR) 2019/2020 is the second progress report for the CountyIntegrated Development Plan (CIDP) 2018-2022. The CIDP 2018-2022 presents aspirations of the people ofMandera for the plan period. This CAPR therefore outlines the progress made towards the achievement of thetargets set in the CIDP.The preparation of this report is firmly anchored in the supreme law and its pieces of legislations. TheConstitution of Kenya, 2010 sets pace for openness and transparency. Article 201 of the constitution of Kenyacalls for clear and timely fiscal reporting. In addition, the County Government Act, 2012 emphasizes on theneed for counties to account and report on all the resources planned and budgeted for. Article 147 of thePublic Finance Management Act, 2012 lays emphasis on monitoring and reporting on the implementation andoverall financial management by accounting officers.The C-APR is aimed at providing feedback on the overall performance of the County in all devolved sectors.It identifies the targets as outlined in the CIDP 2018-2022 and examines the level of achievements. The CAPR lays greater emphasis on the outcomes the various initiatives are producing. It will also provide anopportunity for the people of Mandera county to interrogate the level to which their aspirations are being met.The report will go a long way in boosting the confidence of the people in their government and guaranteeingaccountability and responsibility.It is my sincere hope that this C-APR 2019/2020 will be key in informing the people of Mandera on theimplementation of their CIDP 2018-2022.

Tags county, annual, progress, report, 2019, 2020, county-annual-progress-report-2019-2020-, Public Finance


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