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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2018
County Nandi

This Fiscal Strategy Paper, the first since coming into office by the Tuga TaiGovernment, sets out county policy goals and strategic priorities that will bethe basis for formulation of the Countys Financial Year 2018/19 budget andthe Medium Term. The Paper is prepared in accordance with the PublicFinance Management Act, 2012.This paper is being prepared at a time when significant progress has beenmade in operationalizing the new government by appointing the CountyExecutive Committee Members, the departmental chief officers andoperationalizing the County Assembly which are necessary institutions infacilitating effective service delivery in the County.The County priorities and goals outlined herein are based on the CountyIntegrated Development Plan (2018-2022) and the Governors Manifesto,with emphasis on investment in: Accessible health care, Infrastructure,education, agriculture and cooperative development, growth andemployment creation, youth and social protection and promotion of tourismand culture. These priorities shall form the basis for formulation of FY2018/19 budget and the Medium Term. The paper therefore links countyplanning and policies to Budget which is the main objective of the MediumTerm Expenditure Framework.This policy document covers broad priority areas identified from the reviewof the fiscal performance of the County Integrated Development Plan (CDP2013-2017); highlights of the recent economic developments and theeconomic outlook; broad strategic priorities and policies for the MediumTerm and the Medium Term Fiscal Framework.The fiscal framework presented in the paper ensures a sustainable financingwhile allowing continued spending on priority programmes. Achievement ofthe set objectives calls for greater fiscal discipline, transparency,effectiveness and efficiency in public financial management by all thedepartments and implementers of the various policies in the county. Inaddition, the countys economic performance is largely dependent on theformulation and implementation of prudent policies to guide allocation ofresources to priority areas for enhanced service delivery

Tags county, fiscal, strategy, paper, fy, 2018, 2019, county-fiscal-strategy-paper-fy-2018-2019, Public Finance


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