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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2017
County Bomet

...This County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP)2017sets out the County Executive's priority programs to be implemented under the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF). As provided by legislation the CFSP takes into account national policies and priorities as espoused by the national Budget Policy Statement (BPS).The Budget Policy Statement (BPS) for the FY 2016/17 re-emphasizes the transformative economic agenda and structural reforms that have so far been implemented over the last two years. The economic transformation agenda includes: (i) creating a conducive business environment for job creation; (ii) investing in sectoral transformation to ensure broad based and sustainable economic growth,and in particular agricultural transformation to ensure food security; (iii) investing in infrastructure in areas such as transport, logistics, energy and water; (iv) investing in quality and accessible health care services and quality education as well as strengthening the social safety net to reduce the burden on the households and promote shared and equitable growth; and (v) further consolidate gains made in devolution in order to provide better service delivery and enhanced economic development The Ongoing disciplined expenditure management and implementation of savings measures continue to improve the county governments fiscal position. The County government aims at reducing the personnel emoluments expenditure to 35% in the medium term as stipulated in the PFM regulations.The government continues to demonstrate its ability to control spending on operations and maintenance and the development of infrastructure continues to impact the budget. The CFSP provides that county priorities build on the national priorities, which addresses the challenges which continue to hold back the County from achieving its full potential. The county priorities will endeavor to accelerate growth of the countys economy and the standard of living of the citizens.

Tags county, government, bomet, Bomet County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2017, Public Finance


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