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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2018
County Garissa

...I am pleased to present the County Government of Garissa County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP)for 2018. This CFSP has been prepared by the County Treasury. The process of developing this CFSP has involved considerable effort, analysis and honest introspection to identify the factors that have been impeding performance, and more importantly, to chart out a path for transforming Garissa County into a positive economic force in the Northern Kenya region. The county is geared to transform in to an economic hub that demonstrates excellence in promoting improved access to service, resources and opportunities for every resident. To achieve our goals, we plan to reorganize and expand our revenue collection framework,develop partnerships and engagement strategies with the other stakeholders, and track progress by developing a monitoring and evaluation framework with targets and indicators for every sector. The plan to automate revenue collection is underway but due to its importance as a pillar for revenue growth, it will be fast-tracked in order to ensure that the initiatives set out in this CFSP are putinto action

Tags county, government, garissa, Garissa County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2018, Public Finance


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