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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2018
County Garissa

...A HR Policy is a key governance document that outlines the roles, responsibilities, accountabilities of the people in an organization as well as manages the relationship between the employer, employees and other stakeholders. Its a legal document without which the employment environment will be without rules and thus will be free for all. Above all its a requirement of the Employment Act and Labour Relations Act and a HR best practice. This Policy Manual is being developed at a time when the County has experienced several challenges that affect the overall service delivery to the residents of Garissa County.We at CPSB understand that the Constitution of Kenya (CoK 2010), County Governments Act, 2012 and the Employment Act, 2007 all provide fundamental principles/rules that need to be adhered to by County Governments in undertaking employment activities. In this regard, on behalf of the Board, we are committed towards ensuring effective human resource management of this County in order to realize its development agenda and satisfy all legal requirements. The development of this policy is thus part of the Boards effort towards ensuring that the County human resource management is conducted in the most efficient and effective way in order to deliver its mandate of service delivery to the citizens of Garissa County.The development of this policy will allow the County Government to make solid advances towards attracting and retaining human capital required to meet its core functions. The policy outlines specific procedures and guidelines to be followed in human resource management including leadership and integrity issues as provided under Chapter six of the Constitution, promotion of fairness and merit in recruitment and the role of the County Public Service Board. The policy underscores critical approaches in human resource management that ought to be adhered to by all institutions and offices charged with this responsibility. It is based on the rationale that the decisions on staff recruitment, selection, deployment and promotions should be guided by an elaborate policy that provides equal opportunities to all potential employees regardless of their gender, background, religion and economic status in the society. That recruitment shall be pegged on approved annual staff establishment.The CPSB shall monitor and evaluate human resource practices in the public service and take corrective measures where any malpractice is noted/reported, including cancelling any delegated function on the same.

Tags county, government, garissa, Garissa County Public Service Board 2018, Public Finance


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