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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2018
County Kajiado

...The 2018 Kajiado County Budget Review and Outlook Paper (CBROP) has been prepared in line with the Public Finance Management (PFM) Act 2012, Section 118. This CBROP is the sixth to be prepared by the County Government of Kajiado. It provides an analysis of fiscal performance of the 2017/18 Financial Year (FY) and outlines main economic development outlook as well as resource mobilization framework.The County adhered to the fiscal responsibility principles as stipulated in the PFM Act, 2012 Section 107, Sub-section (2) while implementing the 2017/18 budget. The budget had a total resource envelop of Ksh.8.2Billion which comprised of 5.8Billion equitable share, 1Billion local revenue, 0.38Billion conditional grants and 0.997Billion balance brought forward. Analysis revealed that, actual expenditure amounted to Ksh.6.7billion reflecting an absorption rate of 81percent. On the other hand, the total local revenue collected was Ksh.680Million reflecting an increase of 22 percent from the 2016/17FY where Ksh.557Million was collected.The County Government of Kajiado implemented a number of programmes and projects in line with the medium term theme fostering socio-economic and political development for sustainable growth. During the 2017/18FY, the county encountered several challenges including shortfall in revenue and severe drought among others. Consequently, there were expenditure pressures to mitigate drought and other emergencies that arose in the county.In 2019/20 Medium Term Expenditure Framework, the county resource envelope is estimated at Kshs8.4 billion constituting of 72 percent equitable share, 19 percent from Own Source Revenue and 9 percent conditional grants from the National Government and development partners. The county will apply appropriate measures to mitigate challenges facing budget implementation so as to improve service delivery and to realize its development agenda.

Tags county, government, kajiado, Kajiado County Budget Review And Outlook Paper 2018, Public Finance


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