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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2018
County Kajiado

..The 2018Kajiado County Fiscal Strategy Paper provides a framework for the 2018/19 FY budgeting and the medium term.This is aimed at achieving the Medium Term theme 'Fostering social economic development for sustainable Growth' which will be realized through the implementation of the priority outcomes/transformations. The strategic outcomes will entail investment in: agriculture and livestock production;Improved water access, sanitation and environment; and infrastructural development to spur economic growth. The programmes and projects tobe implemented in 2018/19FY will be aligned to the Kajiado 2018-2022 CIDP and the 2018/2019ADPto ensure that priority outcomes/transformations are achieved. The policy for operationalization/ completion of on-going projects still stands to ensure the planned outcomes are achieved thus benefiting the community at large. This CFSP is organized into four sections. Section I provides the Recent Economic Developments and the Policy Outlook providing an overview of the recent economic development and fiscal outlook at the Global, National and the County Levels, information on the macroeconomic variables, update of fiscal performance and emerging challenges and the risks to the outlook; Section II gives the County strategic blueprint which sets the pace and the direction of the document; Section III explains the fiscal policy and budget framework;and Section IV covers the medium term expenditure framework and further outlines the priorities to be funded in the medium term.The proposed total resource envelop for FY 2018/19isestimated atKshs8.4billion with a proposed recurrent expenditure of Kshs5.7 billion and the development expenditure of Kshs2.6billion. The expenditure ceilings observes all provisions in the PFM Act, 2012, the requisite regulations as well as the Commission on Revenue Allocation provisions.

Tags county, government, kajiado, Kajiado County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2018, Public Finance


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