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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2019
County Kajiado

...The 2019 Kajiado County Fiscal Strategy Paper(CFSP)outlines a framework for the 2019/20 FY budgeting and the Medium Term. This is aimed at achieving the Medium Term theme 'Fostering Social Economic and Political Development for Sustainable Growth'. Towards this, the county will invest in the medium term strategic priorities namely: food security and improved nutrition; Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all ages; ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all; infrastructural development to support economic growth and value addition for increased income. The programmes and projects to be implemented in 2019/20 FY are aligned with the Kajiado County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) 2018-2022 and the 2019/20 FY ADP for effective realization of priority outcomes and transformation in the county. The county remains committed to an operationalization policy of completing stalled and on-going projects so as to ensure planned programmes/projects are actualized to benefit the community.During the medium term, the County will focus on Sectoral Planning and Budgeting for effective policy formulation, resource allocationand implementation. Sector formulation follows the Classification of Functions of Government (COFOG) where different activities are categorized based on the typeof goods and services produced. County sectors include:Productive sector; Health Sector; Water, and Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Sector; Education, Youth and Social Services; Physical Infrastructure; and County Administration. The proposed total resource envelop for FY 2019/20 is estimated at Kshs8.7Billion with a proposed recurrent expenditure of Kshs6.1billion (Personnel Emoluments amounting to Ksh.3.3Billionand Operations and Maintenance totaling to Ksh.2.8Billion) and development expenditure of Ksh.2.6Billion. In the Medium Term, the County Treasury will steer adherence to the fiscal responsibility principles as stipulated in the PFM Act, 2012 in management of public resources.

Tags county, government, kajiado, Kajiado County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2019, Public Finance


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