Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2018
County Kajiado

...My fellow Kajiado residents, it is with great pleasure that I present to you this CIDP covering the period 2018-2022. This plan is a succession of the 2013-2017CIDP which was implemented by the previous administration and facilitated establishment of governance structures as per the County Government Act, 2012. The first CIDP recorded key milestones in service delivery thus providing the foundation the current administration. There were noted key milestones in terms of service delivery. Kajiado County aims to maintain a progressive and sustainable socio-economic growth over the and beyond the plan period. This CIDP outlines the policies, programmes and projects which my administration intends to implement for the next five years.My administration aims to deliver accelerated and inclusive economic growth, improved standards of living, better education and skills development, improve access to water and health care, increased job creation especially for the youth, enhance livestock productivity for increased rural incomes and food security, value addition on agricultural and livestock produce to contribute to the manufacturing sector. The 2018-2022 CIDP is aligned to the Medium Term Plan III and the Kenya Vision 2030. The plan further links to the delivery of the big four agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)where programmes and projects are aligned to achievement of the national agenda. The Plan was prepared through an inclusive and wide-ranging consultative process which conforms to the requirements of the Constitution of Kenya on public participation in public policy-making. Its implementation framework will be anchored the governance structures of the County Government and most importantly the role of the National Government and other stakeholders/development partners at the county.This plan provides for institutionalization of performance management to ensure efficient and effective service delivery. Measures that the county government is putting in place include Performance Contracting, Monitoring and Evaluation and an elaborate project management framework. I therefore call upon all our residents to commit themselves to the pursuit of unity, and to play their part in the implementation of this plan, so that we move forward to the future as a united and prosperous county. The County Government on its part is committed to coordinating all the all the stakeholders including the Citizens, Development Partners, National Government including independent commissions, in the implementation of this plan. I call upon the National Governments, our development partners, and the private sector to join us as we seek to ensure that the objectives of this plan to improve the livelihoods of all residents are fully realized

Tags county, government, kajiado, Kajiado County Integrated Development Plan 2018-2022, Public Finance


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