Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2019
County Nyamira

...The County Government of Nyamira 2019/2020 Programme Based Budgeting (PBB) has been prepared inline with the provisions of Section 12(1) of the Second Schedule of the Public Finance Management Act,2012.The Budget Estimates have been generated based on the County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2019 which tookinto consideration the equitable share from the national government, local revenue, conditional grants fromthe national government and other international bodies. The budget is guided by specified strategic prioritiesand policy goals of Nyamira County. The Budget outlines key priority programmes to be funded in2019/2020 and provides projected estimates in the medium term with clearly defined priority objectives,outcomes, expected outputs, and performance indicators for each programme.The countys budget implementation performance has been affected by emerging issues includingprocurement challenges and own revenue shortfalls. The County Government will continue to put in placemechanisms that will help overcome these challenges by strengthening capacities in e-procurement andown revenue collection.The 2019/2020 Budget Estimates lay the foundation for economic prosperity of the County by setting outpriority areas and consequently high impact programs and projects indicated in the County IntegratedDevelopment Plan (CIDP) 2018-2022. Implementations of these programs are therefore expected toaccelerate development in the county. The Budget estimates also took into consideration the views of thepublic and interested persons, or groups, Nyamira County Budget and Economic Forum

Tags county, government, nyamira, 2nd, supplimentary, programme, based, budget, 2019, 2020, CoG Of Nyamira Supplementary Programme Based Budget 2019-20, Public Finance


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