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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2018
County Nyamira

...This Strategic Plan, which covers the period 2018-2022, lays the foundation on which the Department will achieve its intended vision and mission during the plan period. It is therefore a powerful instrument of dialogue and partnership to position the Department in defining and realizing its objectives and core mandates by ensuring delivery of tangible results to Nyamira residents. This strategic Plan aims at building a shared vision and sense of purpose, through identification of strategies and providing leadership and direction against the backdrop of the County Integrated Development Plan 2018-2022 and the Kenya Vision 2030 as well as the big Four Agenda namely; affordable housing, universal healthcare, manufacturing and food security. Consequently, the plan aims to institutionalize the policy cycle into the work of the department from planning, budgeting and monitoring and evaluation, through policy formulation and analysis, stakeholder engagement and actual implementation to the formulation of policy and legislation. By doing so, policys successes and defects can be identified early and the new ones developed in good time.I am confident that the process we went through in preparing this strategic plan ensured that there is a common understanding, ownership and commitment to its implementation. I commit to remain the primary custodian and driver of the implementation process while keeping everybody focused on the results that need to be delivered in an endeavour to create a County economy that is regionally competitive. The plan identifies key strategic issues and assesses the departments strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities, culminating into specific strategies which will be pursued during the plan period. This strategic plan should not be seen as a static document, but rather as a guideline for assessing performance and achievements of the department over the plan period.It is important to note that this plan was prepared through a collective effort that involved all the stakeholders. The plan also took into consideration best practices as well as the experience of sister departments, institutions and development partners in the County.Finally, it is my strong conviction that the successful implementation of this strategic plan will improve the performance of the department and contribute greatly towards the achievements of our Countys development agenda.

Tags county, government, nyamira, CoG Of Nyamira Finance and Strategic plan 2018-2022, Nyamira County Finance and Strategic Plan 2018-2022, Public Finance


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