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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2021
County Samburu

...The 2021 Samburu County Fiscal Strategy Paper identifies the broad strategic priorities and policy goals that will guide the County Government in preparing its budget for Financial Year 2021/2022 and the Medium Term in accordance with the Public Finance Management Act 2012, section 117(1) which stipulates that the County Treasury should prepare the Fiscal Strategy Paper for the County. The strategy covers the following broad areas: review of the fiscal performance of the first half ofFY 2020/2021; highlights of the recent economic developments and economic outlook; broad strategic priorities and policies for FY 2021/2022 as indicated in the Medium-Term Fiscal Framework and as outlined in the Samburu County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) 2018-2022. This is further elaboratedinthe2021/2022AnnualDevelopmentPlan(ADP).In the FY 2021/22 budget estimates, the total revenue is projected to be Ksh 5,647,818,496. This comprises of equitable share of ksh5,020,896,200as provided in 2021 BPS and Kshs 526,922,296as Loans and conditional grants. Own source revenue is projected to be Ksh100,000,000.The County Government has projected that overall expenditure will be equal to the forecasted County receipts for FY2021/2022. The County allocation for development expenditure will amount Ksh 1,720,000,000which is 30.45% ot Total Expenditure while recurrent Expenditure will amount to Ksh3,927,818,496which is 69.55 % of Total expenditure. The County is operating ona generally stable macroeconomic environment appropriate for the attainment of the stated policy priorities and better service delivery. However, there are emerging challenges like the pending bills, the growing wage bill burden, insecurity and unpredictable climatic conditions which may lead to spontaneous unforeseen emergencies that will require instant interventions which will constrain limited resources. It is the responsibility of the County Government to ensure that fiscal discipline principles are adhered to ensure prudential management of limited resources.

Tags county, government, samburu, draft, copy, fiscal, strategy, paper, CoG Of Samburu Fiscal Strategy Paper 2021, Samburu County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2021, Public Finance


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