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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2017
County Tharaka-Nithi

...The Government of Kenya developed a National Capacity Building Framework NCBF, in 2013 to guide the implementation of its capacity building support for countygovernments. The program is a key part of the governments Kenya Devolution SupportProgram KDSP- supported by the World Bank. The NCBF MTI spans PFM, Planningand M & E, Human Resource Management, Devolution, and Inter-GovernmentalRelations and Public Participation.The Ministry of Devolution and ASAL MODA, the state department of devolutionsubsequently commissioned Prestige Management Solutions Limited to carry out theAnnual Capacity and Performance Assessment (ACPA) in forty-seven counties in Kenya.The ACPA aims to achieve three complementary roles, namely:1. The Minimum Access Conditions (MACs)2. Minimum Performance Conditions (MPCs)3. Performance Measures (PMs)In preparation for the assessment process, MODA carried out an induction andsensitization training to the consulting team to help them internalize the objectives ofthe ACPA, size of capacity and performance grants, County Governments eligibilitycriteria, ACPA tool, and the ACPA assessment criteria.This report highlights the findings of the assessment carried out by Prestige ManagementSolutions on the Annual Capacity Performance Assessment (ACPA) under the KenyaDevolution Support Programme (KDSP). KDSP is a Programme jointly funded by theNational Government and World Bank. The overall KDSP objective is to strengthenthe capacity of core national and county institutions to improve delivery of devolvedfunctions at the County level.The Constitution of Kenya 2010 creates a new governance structure, throughrebalancing accountabilities, increasing the responsiveness, inclusiveness, and efficiencyof government service delivery. It provides for multiple reforms including astrengthened legislature, judiciary, decentralization, new oversight bodies, andincreased transparency and accountability to citizens.The county governments as new institutions have within four years of existence broughtin significant progress in delivering devolved services mainly consisting of health,agriculture, urban services, county roads, county planning and development,management of village polytechnics, and county public works and services.In preparation for capacity needs of a devolved structure, the national government inconsultation with the County Governments created the National Capacity BuildingFramework (NCBF) in 2013. In respect of Article 189 of the Constitution, Multiple newlaws, systems, and policies were rolled out; induction training for large numbers of newcounty staff from different levels of County Government was initiated focused on thenew counties. The Medium Term Intervention (MTI) which provides a set of results andoutputs against capacity building activities at both levels of government, and acrossmultiple government departments and partners can be measured were instituted. Thesemeasures provide the basis for a more coherent, well-resourced and devolution capacitysupport, as well as by other actors.

Tags county, government, tharaka, nithi, CoG Of Tharaka Nithi Annual Capacity Perfomance Assessement Report, Tharaka Nithi Annual Capacity Perfomance Assessement Report 2017-2018, Public Finance


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