COUNTY GOVERNMENT OF THARAKA NITHI Annual Development Plan 2021/22

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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2021
County Tharaka-Nithi

...The County Government Act, 2012 section 104 stipulates that a county government shall plan for the county and no public funds shall be appropriated outside a planning framework developed by the county executive committee and approved by the county assembly. As informed by the Public Finance Management Act, 2012 section 126 provides that every County shall prepare a development plan in accordance with Article 220(2) of the constitution that includes the strategic priorities that reflect the county government priorities and plans. More so, County Government Act, 2012 section 113 provides that the CIDP shall inform the countys budget which shall be based on the annual development priorities and objectives. In addition, the annual development plan shall constitute the programmes to be delivered with details of the strategic priorities to which the programme will contribute and the budget allocated to each programme. The County Annual Development Plan, CADP will have a detailed description of proposals with respect to the development of physical, intellectual, human and other resources of the county, including measurable indicators where those are feasible. In cognizance of this, the County has prepared this 4th ADP as informed by the CIDP 2018-2022 aspirations for the people of Tharaka Nithi. This CADP has been carefully prepared by ensuring linkages between county plans and the national planning framework. Specifically, this plan is informed by MTP III and Government Big Four Agenda focusing on food security, universal health care, housing and manufacturing. It provides the anchor for continued implementation of the CIDP II (2018-2022) and guiding resource allocation to priority projects and programmes. A number of consultations with the departments in each of the nine (9) dockets were done where they submitted their programmes and planned projects with a focus on on-going projects.

Tags county, government, tharaka, nithi, CoG Of Tharaka Nithi Annual Development Plan 2021/22, Tharaka Nithi Annual Development Plan 2021/22, Public Finance


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