COUNTY GOVERNMENT OF THARAKA NITHI End Term Review Report Of Tharaka Nithi CIDP 2013 2017

Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2013
County Tharaka-Nithi

...End TermReview ReportofTharaka NithiCIDP 2013-2017NOVEMBER, 2017- The current Tharaka Nithi CIDP (2013-2017) is the Countys blueprint thatreflects the broader picture andpriorities of the county for efficientservice delivery to the citizens. Often,the achievements of these results arepreceded by strengthening andbuilding up certain areas of aninstitution which act as pillars to thevision. These areas of focus are thusarticulated in the plan as strategies thatanswer to certain objectives. However,crafting of these strategies is onlyachieved after critically analysing theinstitutional environment which mayhave changed during the execution ofdevelopment plans. This calls for endterm review as best practice in countyintegrated development planning. Assuch, the CIDP end term review entailsan assessment of the progress made inthe achievement of the CIDP goals,objectives, programmes/ projects andoutputs in delivering the desiredoutcomes. It is a period of analysinghow the internal county capabilitieshave fared in responding to thecitizens needs in the light of availableresources

Tags county, government, tharaka, nithi, CoG Of Tharaka Nithi End term Review Report 2013-2017, Tharaka Nithi County End Of Term Review Report 2013-2017, Public Finance


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