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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2016
County Uasin Gishu

...This is the third County Fiscal Strategy Paper (C-FSP) prepared by the county government since the devolved system of governance took root. The policy document draws its legal basis from section 117 of the PFM Act 2012 which requires the County Treasury to develop C-FSP and submit to the County Assembly by 28thFebruary of each year. The section and Regulations 26, 27 and 28 of the Act further require the County Treasury to align its County Fiscal Strategy Paper with the national objectives in the Budget Policy Statement, and apply fiscal responsibility principles given in section 107 of PFM Act 2012.The County Fiscal Strategy Paper is the county governments primary financial policy document setting out the priority programmes the government intends to implement over the medium term.It therefore specifies the broad strategic priorities and policy goals that will guide the county government in preparing its budget for the coming financial year and over the medium term.C-FSP 2016 seeks to consolidate the targeted broad policies and strategic interventions contained in the C-FSP 2014 and reaffirmed in the C-FSP 2015 for more output and outcomes. In this C-FSP the county has re prioritized the development needs of it residents so that policies and strategic interventions will focus on:water; agriculture; health services social services; and road infrastructure. The fiscal policy contained in this policy document will support economic activity within a context of sustainable public financing. We will adopt a balanced budget in the FY 2016/17budget and MTEF. Expenditures will be guided by sector objectives as captured in the County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP). The county government will strengthen initiatives to increase revenue even as it pursues expenditure productivity; re-orienting spending from non-essential to productive areas. With the policies and strategic interventions in the C-FSP 2016 we hope to fast track our transformative agenda with a view to actualizing the socio-economic transformation. Consequently, we will accelerate our economy towards a prosperous and attractive county as envisaged in our vision.

Tags county, government, uasin, gishu, fiscal, strategy, paper, cfsp, 2016, Uasin Gishu County CFSP 2016, CoG Of Uasin Gishu County Fiscal strategy Paper 2016, Uasin Gishu CFSP 2016, Public Finance


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