COUNTY GOVERNMENT OF VIHIGA (Medium Term Debt Management Strategy) 2019/202020/21

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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2019
County Vihiga

...The Medium -Term Debt Management Strategy (MTDS) is one of the important deliverables of the County Treasury as provided for under the PFMA. It provides the guidance to the Counties on the amount, type of borrowing to undertake over the medium term. It evaluates the costs and risks of various scenarios and recommends an optimal strategy for implementation. The National Treasury has developed guidelines for country domestic and external borrowing to guide engagement between the GOK and development partners, counties and National Government to ensure proper coordination not only in the area of loans but also grants and on other forms of aid. Vihiga County Government through its Fiscal Strategy Paper 2019 does not anticipate to borrow in the Medium Term. We are affected by contingency, creditors and statutory liabilities. (pending bills).Vihiga County Government will ensure that the servicing and management of the County Governments financing requirements and payment obligations are met on a timely basis, and at the lowest possible cost over the medium to long run.consistent with a prudent degree of risk.

Tags county, government, vihiga, Vihiga County MTDMS 2019, County Government of Vihiga MTDMS 2019, Vihiga MTDMS County 2019, Public Finance


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