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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2018
County Elgeyo-Marakwet

Elgeyo Marakwet County is one of the County Governments in Kenya created under the new two-tiergovernance system, i.e. national and county systems created by the Constitution enacted in 2010. TheCounty Government started implementing its mandates in March 2013 as per the provisions of the FourthSchedule of the Constitution which came into effect in August 2010. The county has operationalized theseconstitutional requirements and other legal provisions including the Public Finance Management, Act2012, County Government Act, 2012, Urban areas and Cities Act, 2012 amongst other legislations. Theseprovisions requires periodic preparation of various planning documents; County Integrated DevelopmentPlan (CIDPs), Spatial Plans, Urban Areas and Cities Plan, Sectoral Plans, Annual Development Plans (ADPs)and Budget Estimates.The county government is composed of two arms; the Legislature and the Executive. The Legislature iscomposed of the Speaker, one elected member from each of the countys twenty Wards, nominatedmembers representing special interest groups and staff led by the County Assembly Clerk. TheLegislatures roles are; representation, oversight, and legislation. The role of the Executive arm is toimplement laws, policies and plans relating to the county mandates, with the aim of achieving countydevelopment targets.The Executive is organized into twelve departments based on their mandates. Ten of these departmentsare headed by County Executive Committee Members (CECMs) while two are the Office of the Governorand Executive Administration and the County Public Service Board. For appropriate planning approaches,budget considerations, harmony in coordination and synergy in resource mobilization strategies, alldepartments have been classified into five sectors. These sectors are; (1) Infrastructure, (2) SocialProtection and Empowerment, (3) Health, water and Sanitation, (4) Productive and Economic Sector, and(5) Public Administration and Governance. Each of these sectors has a vision, mission and a set ofprogrammes to deliver on their mandates and development objectives.The infrastructure sector is composed of roads, transport, public works and energy subsectors/departments. Social Protection and Empowerment is comprised of Sports, Youth Affairs, ICT,Social Services and Education and Technical Training sub-sectors/departments. Health, Water andSanitation sector is made of Health and Sanitation, and Water, Lands Environment and Climate ChangeManagement sub-sectors/departments. Productive and Economic Sector brings together Agriculture andIrrigation, Livestock and Cooperatives development and Tourism, Wildlife, Culture, Trade and Industrydevelopment sub-sectors/departments. Public Administration and Governance has the Office of theGovernor and Executive Administration, Public Service Management and County Administration, Financeand Economic Planning, County Public Service Board and County Assembly sub-sectors/departments.

Tags elgeyo, marakwet, county, 2018, 19, approved, budget, mwananchi, edition, elgeyo-marakwet-county-2018-19-approved-budget-mwananchi-edition, Public Finance


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