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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2017
County Elgeyo-Marakwet

This 2017 County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP), the Fourth to be prepared since the inception of CountyGovernment of Elgeyo Marakwet, sets out the county's priority programs to be implemented under the2017/182019/20 Financial Years Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) and aligns theaspirations of the county with those of the national government as stated in the 2017 Budget PolicyStatement (BPS) and provisions of Elgeyo Marakwet County Equitable Development Act (EDA), 2015.Development expenditures within the MTEF period will be shared out based on the parameters of EDA,2015 to ensure social equity. However, EDAs parameters attach minimal weight to flagship and countywide projects which are capital intensive programmes and projects thus dragging their implementationsto cover several budget cycles and therefore the forthcoming discussions on the amendment to EDA iswelcomed to address the emerging issues from its implementation.There is also need to adhere and implement the provisions of the Public Finance Management (CountyGovernments) Regulations, 2015 for effective public finance management.Implementation of programs expounded in this CFSP is expected to raise county economic efficiency andproductivity and in turn, make our county competitive, thus creating vast opportunities for productivejobs and securing livelihoods.Implementation of 2016/2017 is on course though there is a possibility of delay resulting from theforthcoming general election. Disbursements from the national treasury is timely and this is expected toboost project implementation. The county will build on the achievements made so far in most sectors andthrough the policy goals set out in this CFSP; we will scale up our efforts in order to address the existingas well as emerging challenges.The Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) balances continued growth in spending with fiscalconsolidation. Spending on social and economic programmes will continue to grow in real terms. Goingforward, many of the countys large infrastructure projects will start to operate; upgraded roads will getmore goods to markets and ensure efficient transport system, water schemes improvements will ensurethat communities have access to safe water and urban planning initiatives will help our towns becomeintegrated places of work and social life. These are just a few of the major outputs expected from fullimplementation of this CFSP.The 2017 CFSP emphasizes containing costs and improving efficiency across government departments andentities. To this end, we will moderate the pace of public expenditure growth while accelerating thedelivery of quality services. Spending baselines which are basis for ceilings allocations have undergonerigorous review taking into account factors which include: the capacity of departments and public entitiesto manage resources, the link between outcomes, expenditure and departmental mandates, proposals iv | P a g efrom the public and programme performance so far and the provisions of the Public Finance Management(County Governments) Regulations, 2015.The document covers five chapters. Chapter one highlights the justification for the preparation of thedocument while at the same time detailing the legal framework for the CFSP. In Chapter two, recenteconomic developments on the global and national level and the impact that they have had on the recentcounty economic development have been highlighted. Chapter three explores the fiscal and budgetframework that will inform the budgetary process. Chapter four details the sector and departmentalceilings for the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) Period. Chapter five highlights theconclusions and finally, the Annexes section contains documentations that have informed the preparationof this County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP)

Tags elgeyo, marakwet, county, fiscal, strategy, paper, cfsp, 2017, approved, elgeyo-marakwet-county-fiscal-strategy-paper-cfsp-2017-approved, Public Finance


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