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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2016
County Embu

This Fiscal Strategy Paper, the third since the operationalization of the CountyGovernments, sets out county policy goals and strategic priorities that will be the basisfor formulation of Countys Financial Year 2017/18 budget and the Medium Term. ThePaper is prepared in accordance with the Public Finance Management Act, 2012.The County priorities and goals outlined herein are based on the County IntegratedDevelopment Plan with emphasis on investment in: Agriculture and food security,Infrastructure, accessibility of water, accessible health care and education. These prioritiesshall form the basis for formulation of FY 2017/18 budget and the Medium Term. Thepaper therefore links county planning and policies to Budget which is the main objectiveof the Medium Term Expenditure Framework.The paper covers the following broad areas in review of the fiscal performance offinancial year 2015/2016; highlights of the recent economic developments and theeconomic outlook; broad strategic priorities and policies for the Medium Term and theMedium Term Fiscal Framework.The fiscal framework presented in the paper ensures a sustainable financing whileallowing continued spending on priority programmes. Achievement of the set objectivescalls for greater transparency, effectiveness and efficiency in public financial managementin order to ensure fiscal discipline.

Tags embu, county, annual, development, plan, 2017, 2016, embu-county-annual-development-plan-2017-2016, Public Finance


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