Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2018
County Embu

The Constitution of Kenya article 220(2) makes it mandatory for everyCounty to prepare Development Plans. The County Governments Act,2012 states that each county shall prepare a County IntegratedDevelopment Plan (CIDP) which shall be the basis for all budgeting andspending of public funds. In addition, every county government isexpected to plan for the county and no public funds shall be appropriatedoutside a planning framework developed by the county executivecommittee and approved by the county assembly.The Public Finance Management Act, 2012 stipulates that the budget process for countygovernments in any financial year shall begin with an integrated development planning processwhich shall include both long term and medium-term planning. This will in turn inform the countybudget estimates and establish financial and economic priorities for the county over the short,medium and long term.The purpose of the CIDP is to provide a framework for budgeting, project funding, monitoring andevaluation of all the projects for a period of five years. It also provides a mechanism forcoordination with the national government and other stakeholders in order to improve the wellbeing of the county citizens. In addition, the planning framework formulated will enhance linkagebetween policy, planning and budgeting.The projects and programmes in this CIDP were identified through various consultative forums atthe county level as provided for in the County Governments Act, 2012. The CIDP is to beimplemented in successive Annual Development Plans covering the period from 2018 to 2022. Itis my expectation that increased participation by a wide cross section of the people during projectidentification, planning, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of projects andprogrammes will empower the people of Embu to realize social, political and economicdevelopment.The county will seek to establish and create an enabling environment that will attract directinvestments into the county. Huge infrastructural projects that require a huge capital outlay will beearmarked for implementation through Public Private Partnership. This will address the financialgaps that will feature in the County Integrated Development Plan. The implementation of the planis expected to spur growth, improve the quality of life of the residents and as such all thestakeholders in the county must work together to ensure that the Plans objectives are realized.

Tags county, integrated, development, plan, 2018, 2022, embu-county-integrated-development-plan-2018-2022, Public Finance


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