Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2017
County Embu

This County Annual Progress Report (CAPR) being prepared by the EconomicPlanning department. The report presents a full financial year review of budgetperformance for FY 2016/17. It is prepared in fulfilment of the CountyGovernment Act Article 102 (h) on principles of planning and developmentfacilitation in a county which shall provide a platform for unifying planning,budgeting, financing, Programme implementation and performance review. Italso seeks to fulfil Article 104 (1) (r) of the Public Finance Management Act onreporting regularly to the county assembly on the implementation of the annualcounty budget.The report presents the status of budget execution by Embu County Governmentduring the period July 2016 to June 2017. It offers useful insight to the CountyExecutive as well as the County Assembly on utilization of funds at thedepartmental level. The county executive is able to evaluate its achievementagainst set targets while the county assembly will be in a position to leverage onthe report in oversight role. It also provides a platform for the public to evaluatecounty performance on budget implementation by the county government toenhance transparency and accountability as provided for in the Public FinanceManagement Act.The report comprises of four chapters as follows; chapter one captures theCounty background information while chapter two presents the county revenuebasket. This involves undertaking a deeper analysis into the various revenuestreams that make up the overall county revenue. Chapter three on the otherhand analyses the broad economic classification of both recurrent anddevelopment expenditure. It focuses on performance of disaggregatedexpenditure that also outlines Personnel Emoluments (PE).Chapter four focuses on key issues, challenges faced by the county in theimplementation of the budget are highlighted. It also provides recommendationsand measures to be put in place to ensure that set objectives are met.

Tags embu, finance, economic, planning, annual, progress, report, 2016, 2017, embu-finance-economic-planning-annual-progress-report-2016-2017, Public Finance


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