Ford Foundation Cumulative Mentor's Report Bomet County 2020

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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2020
County Bomet

The program began and went on well in the county. We thank Ford Foundation through the Council of Governors for giving us opportunity to engage in mentorship program of twenty interns in our county through our late able Governor Dr Joyce Laboso.During the mentorship period, Mentees acquired skills, knowledge, positive attitude and experience in their relevant department that will expose them to working environment in the county and even elsewhere in future. They were exposed to working environment and collaboration with other employees in various department.They were able to learn code of conduct, code of ethic and were able to use them during the period of internships. This has formed the basis of their future employment. They were able to manage time well by being in their respective department on time as contained in their appointment letters.The mentees were exposed to various activities such as the participation in budget making process, procurement plan preparation for the financial year 2019-2020 in various departments within the county such as Education (ECDs), Social Service Department, Procurement Department, Administration and other

Tags ford, foundation, cumulative, mentor, s, report, bomet, county, Ford Foundation Cumulative Mentor's Report Bomet County 2020, Public Finance


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